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Web Design & Development
Many Facets of Web DesignA Professional Approach to Websites
Freelance IT Solutions is a full-service provider for your web development needs. Web development is much more than just a pretty interface. Your website provides a face to your current and prospective customers. At Freelance IT Solutions, we have the experience and expertise to make your dream a reality.
We offer custom solutions for:
  •    eCommerce Sites
  •    Client Portals
  •    Membership / Group Sites
  •    Forum and 'blog Sites
  •    Content Management Systems
  •    More...
Design and Layout
A picture is worth a thousand words. When visitors arrive at your site, they are going to get a 'picture' based on the layout and design.

In a recent study by Standford University, participants where asked to comment on what made a website credible to them. Nearly half (46%) of participants commented that the design was most important. This was more important to participants than information structure (29%), information usefulness (15%), information accuracy and name recognition (tied at 14%), site functionality (9%), and customer service (6%).

No matter how good the information on your site, without an attractive layout and design, you're going to loose customers before they even begin reading that information.

As they say, 'you never get a second chance to make a first impression.' Your website may be the first impression your visitors get of your business. Are they seeing 'fun,' 'family oriented,' technical, 'cutting edge'...

It is important to look at the site from the perspective of the visitor. When looking at the website as a whole, does it give the image you want for your business/brand?
An essential part of landing pages, a call-to-action is often overlooked on websites. But, it is just as important.

Not all pages are right for a call-to-action. But, it gives your visitors 'direction.' And it should be very well thoughtout because a regular web page may need more than one call-to-action.

Action buttons like 'buy' or 'enter' should stand out. Studies show that these links and buttons should be of a contrasting color to the rest of the landing page. Also pay attention to the wording of action buttons. 'Enter to Win' will get more responses than simply 'Enter' or 'Submit.' Adding a short phrase to clarify the call to action can help convert visitors to customers as well.
Target Audience
Target Audience
Knowing your target audience is always important for a successful business. But, you must give 'target audience' special thought for your website – especially if the same site will be used for computers and mobile devices.

Your website audience may be different than your brick-and-mortar location. Or different pages of your website may attract different audiences. For example, if you are selling bicycles online, some may appeal to teens while others appeal to 30-somethings. While you want the layout and design of these pages to be consistent, wording and the way the products are displayed may need to be different.

It is important to share as much information about your target audience as you can with your web designer.
ContentWeb Code
Content, Keywords and Code
For the best search engine results, content and keywords should work together. It is important that the keywords and phrases that are most used by people on search engines when searching for businesses or products like yours are also incorporated into your content. Search engines like Google scan the words on each page and compare them to the keywords used to classify your website. A good web designer will work with you to develop the best combination for your business.

And very close to this is the code used to develop your site. Like content, code should be search engine friendly. Links should have names that have 'meaning.' Likewise, image file names should be a description of the image. Meaningful keywords should be used in title tags throughout the site. If you want your site to be found, the combination of content, keywords and code must be a priority.
Website Goal
It seems so obvious, but is so often overlooked – there must be a clear goal for the website. Are you trying to increase awareness of your organization, increase online sales or brick-and-mortar sales, add to group membership? Each of these goals means differences in the design, layout, image, and development of the website.

A clear vision of what you want the website to do will determine many of the decisions about the aspects above. The goal you envision for your website will be what ties all the aspects of a successful website together. And although this is at the bottom of our list, the goal should be considered first.